Masyarakat Elektronika Kesehatan dan Telemedika Indonesia (MeHTI) 
Indonesian e-Health and Telemedicine Society (IeHTS)

What is IeHTS (or MeHTI)

The “Indonesian e-Health and Telemedicine Society (IeHTS)” [or in Indonesian Language: “Masyarakat Elektronika Kesehatan dan Telemedika Indonesia (MeHTI)” is a national professional society to promote the development of e-Health and Telemedicine  in Indonesia, through various national, regional, and international activities. The professional society in e-health and telemedicine is expected to facilitate its members in improving their own capabilities & quality, as well as to enhance various professional activities that will also be beneficial to the community.  

Related Links

·      Indonesian Biomedical Engineering Society (IBES, Masyarakat Biomedika Indonesia = MBI)  [ ]

·      International Society for Telemedicine & eHealth   [ ]
·      The International eHealth, Telemedicine and Health ICT Forum  [ ]
·      IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society  [ ]
·      WHO – World Health Organization  [ ]


(Information in Indonesian Language)

Masyarakat Elektronika Kesehatan dan Telemedika Indonesia (MeHTI, Indonesian e-Health and Telemedicine Society) didirikan pada tanggal 12 Desember 2012, oleh empat orang pendiri (yaitu Soegijardjo Soegijoko, Suhartono Tjondronegoro, Tati Latifah Mengko dan Yoke Saadia Irawan) serta didaftarkan secara resmi di depan Notaris Ny. Jenni Mariani Raspati SH., pada tanggal 15 Mei 2013. Pada waktu ini, Akta Pendirian dan Anggaran Dasar Masyarakat Elektronika Kesehatan dan Telemedika Indonesia (terdiri atas 16 pasal yang terbagi atas 10 bab) sedang dalam proses di Departemen Hukum dan HAM Republik Indonesia, melalui Notaris tersebut.

Summary of IeHTS Statutes


            Electronic Health (e-Health) and Telemedicine, are important areas in Biomedical Engineering, which involve the use of information and communication technologies (in a broad sense), to process different types of medical information, for improving community healthcare. Therefore, e-Health and Telemedicine could significantly improve curative and preventive community healthcare, as well as education activities for the care givers and patients.

            In promoting the development of e-Health and Telemedicine  in Indonesia, a professional society called “Indonesian e-Health and Telemedicine Society (IeHTS)” [or in Indonesian Language: “Masyarakat Elektronika Kesehatan dan Telemedika Indonesia (MeHTI)”] is established. The national professional society in e-health and telemedicine is expected to facilitate its members in improving their own capabilities & quality, as well as to enhance various professional activities that will also be beneficial to the community.  Although IeHTS (MeHTI) is a national professional society, it has to cover both national and international activities.

            Based on the above mentioned Preamble, the Indonesian e-Health and Telemedicine Society (or Masyarakat Elektronika Kesehatan dan Telemedika Indonesia) has developed the following STATUTES. They have been officially registered by the Notary, Mrs. Jenni Mariani Raspati SH., on the fifteenth of May the year of two thousand and thirteen (15th May 2013). The Statutes are currently being processed by the Department of Law and Human Rights, through the said Notary.


            Article 1
The professional society is called “Indonesian e-Health and Telemedicine Society (IeHTS)” [or “Masyarakat Elektronika Kesehatan dan Telemedika Indonesia (MeHTI)”], and located in Bandung (Indonesia).  For the first time, its address is located at: Jalan Ganesha 10, Bandung 40132, Indonesia. Other branches throughout Indonesia will be established in the future.

            Article 2
The society was established on the twelfth of December the year of two thousand twelve (12 December 2012), for unlimited time.

            Article 3
The five principles of Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution (of the Republic of Indonesia) have been employed as the fundamental principles for the organization. 

            Article 4
The Indonesian e-Health and Telemedicine Society (IeHTS) is a non-profit professional society. 

            Article 5
In general, the objectives of the society are to promote and conduct various efforts for the e-health and telemedicine development in Indonesia, especially in: education and human resource development, the application of e-health and telemedicine systems to support community health care, as well as the development and production of e-health and telemedicine systems or equipments in the country.

            Article 6
To achieve the above mentioned objectives, the following activities are envisaged:
1.Dissemination of information about the society and its activities through various means
2.Organizing various scientific forum such as: seminars, workshops, courses/short courses, and conferences   
3.Publishing of various printed and electronic publications, such as: electronic-mail, websites, newsletters, to be further developed to scientific journal(s)
 4.Establishing a number of activities that will be beneficial in improving community health care, such as: research & system development collaborations, and other collaboration activities with domestic and international institutions
5.Establishing various activities for supporting both formal and continuing education in e-Health and Telemedicine, as well as in related fields
6.Establishing various legal activities which are in line with the objectives of the society, and to comply with the ethics and the state law.

       Article 7
[1].Membership for the society consists of: members (ordinary members), student members, and honorary members
[2].Every Indonesian citizen  having the expertise, educational background and/or actively involved in e-health and telemedicine field, is entitled to be a member of IeHTS, when her/his written membership application has been approved by the organizing committee
[3].Further organizational rules on the membership will be further developed.

            Article 8
The society (IeHTS) has the following levels of organization meetings: National Assembly, and Branch Assembly

            Article 9
The society (IeHTS) has one National Committee and a number of  Branch Committees. The national committee is located in Bandung (Indonesia).

            Article 10
The National Committee is composed of a President (Chair), one or more Vice Presidents (Vice Chair), one or more Secretaries and one or more Finance officer(s) as necessary.

            Article 11
The Organizing Committee may obtain some recommendation from the Advisory Board and The Establishment Board

            Article 12
Financial resources of the society are obtained from:
Membership fees, donations, and other legal sources.

            Article 13
The Statute of the Society can only be changed/modified through a special national assembly dedicated for that purpose. 

            Article 14
Liquidation of the society can only be conducted  through a  special national assembly dedicated for that purpose.

            Article 15
Further regulations will be provided by the society in time.

            Article 16
The National Committee will be responsible for deciding & solving any problem of the society which is not governed by the statute.

The Indonesian e-Health and Telemedicine Society has been established by the following person:
§     Prof. Dr.Ir. Soegijardjo Soegijoko
§     Dr.Ir. Suhartono Tjondronegoro
§     Prof. Dr. Tati Latifah Mengko
§     Dr. dr. Yoke Saadia Irawan MT.
The first National Committee members are as follows:
§     President                     : Soegijardjo Soegijoko
§     Vice President : Suhartono Tjondronegoro
§     Secretary                     : Tati Latifah Mengko
§     Treasurer                     : Yoke Saadia Irawan

The Indonesian e-Health and Telemedicine Society (IeHTS) was established on the 12th December 2012 and its Statutes were first officially ratified/registered by Mrs. Jenni Mariani Raspati SH, Notary in Bandung on the 15th May 2013.


Indonesian e-Health and Telemedicine Society (IeHTS)
[Masyarakat Elektronika Kesehatan dan Telemedika Indonesia = MeHTI]
Address: c/o Biomedical Engineering Program,
School of Electrical Engineering & Informatics,
Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB),
Jalan Ganesha 10, Bandung 40132,

Phone/Fax: (62)-22-2534117